Monday, January 24, 2011


Abbott Detroit company was formed in 1909 and built cars in Detroit till 1916. The Abbott Detroit was known as an 'assembled' car, meaning it was built using already made components that were currently being offered to auto mobile manufacturers.

Most Abbott Detroit vehicals were built using continental four and six cylinder engines, which were considered to be the most durable and reliable auto mobile engines of their period. To promote there auto mobile, the company engaged its vehicals in verity of speed and endurance compititions. the most adventurous publicity stunt was 100,000 mile trek made by Dr. Charles G. Percival, who drove an Abbott Detroit touring car around the borders of the United States and from coast to coast three tmes. Abbott Detroit also won the stock class in the 1910 fairmount park race in Philadelphia and made a success full showing in 1911 in venderbilt cup race.

In 1912 Model 44 touring car uses the four cylinder, Continental long strok engine that was rated at 44-50. It features an electric starter and electric lighting which was unusual for 1912 automobile. It is one of only six model 44 Abbott Detroit vehical know to exist and sold for approximatly for 2000$ at that time, when it was new.

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping to learn more about the Abbott-Detroit. Is there anywhere you recommend I look on the web or in person? I am under the impression that my great-grandfather, C.S. Abbott, was involved in the making of this car.
